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Social protection and Employment

Makhkamova Zulaykho Bakhriddinovna

Makhkamova Zulaykho Bakhriddinovna

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Zohidov Botir Erkinovich

Zohidov Botir Erkinovich

Minister of employment and labour relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On October 20, 2020, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Employment of the Population" was adopted. Systematic work is underway to improve legislation and bring it in line with international standards for the prevention of industrial accidents, to ensure the rights of workers and employees to healthy and safe working conditions.

In particular, on June 4, 2021, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On ratification of the ILO Convention No. 187 on the fundamentals of occupational safety and health (Geneva, June 15, 2006)" was adopted.

The main goal of the socio-economic policy of Uzbekistan is to increase jobs and reduce poverty. As a result of targeted work in this direction, the poverty rate fell from 17 to 14 percent last year. 1 million people have been lifted out of poverty through vocational training and the promotion of entrepreneurship.

Over the past year, about 200,000 business entities were created, the activities of 10,000 were expanded, and the production capacity of 11,000 enterprises was restored.

Our country is systematically working to achieve gender equality. In particular, 49 percent of students who entered universities last year were girls. For the first time, the share of women in public administration reached 35 percent.

Today, women make up 77 percent of those working in the medical field and 74 percent of those working in education. In the economic and industrial sectors this figure reached 46%, in the management sphere - 33%, and the share in the ranks of parties - 47%.


Latest update: 2023-10-05 15:16:10