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Khudayarov Asilbek Anvarovich

Khudayarov Asilbek Anvarovich

Acting minister of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Thursday 16:00 - 18:00

In recent years, in Uzbekistan, the creation of a system of high -quality and qualified medical services of each citizen has been determined as a priority task, large -scale reforms are carried out in this direction.

In 2022, more than 100 family medical points, clinics and more than a thousand Makhalinsky medical points in the most remote and inaccessible areas were created on the ground. As a result, an additional 3.5 million people are covered by the primary link in medical care.

The amount of funds for drugs of 70 species, free of free of charge by family doctors, increased 3 times compared to last year. Primary medical institutions are equipped with modern equipment for ultrasound and electrocardiography, dental and surgical sets.

As a result of the organization of daily hospitals in family clinics, 740 thousand people got the opportunity to be treated directly in their mahalla, without going to the hospital.

In order to develop private medical institutions in our country, such clinics were provided with tax and customs benefits, mandatory tourist fees were canceled and medical services were allowed at the expense of public funds.

The issue of worthy encouragement of the hard and responsible work of medical workers, increasing their interest in their activities is also in the center of constant attention of our state.

A monthly wage of medical workers increased to 30 percent, a system of differentiated bonuses and allowances was introduced, depending on the efficiency and results of their labor.


Latest update: 2023-02-23 12:28:57