
Mirzamakhmudov Jurabek Tursunpulatovich
Minister of energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
In order to meet the growing demand of the Republic of Uzbekistan and ensure the further balanced development of the electric power industry, taking into account the best world experience and modern trends in the development of the world electric power industry, the Concept for providing the Republic of Uzbekistan with electric energy for 2020–2030 years was developed.
The concept defines the goals and directions for the development of the country's electric power industry in the medium and long term, priorities and guidelines, as well as mechanisms for ensuring the effectiveness of the state energy policy at certain stages of its practical implementation, guaranteeing the achievement of the intended goals.
Domestic demand for energy resources is determined by the expected dynamics of economic development, changes in the structure of the economy and the level of its specific energy intensity. Reducing the specific energy intensity of the economy is the main task of the energy policy of Uzbekistan.
The main goal of the Concept of providing the Republic of Uzbekistan with electric energy for 2020-2030 is to meet the growing demand for electric energy at competitive prices and the dynamic development of the electric power industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan through the modernization and reconstruction of existing power plants, construction of new generating capacities based on highly efficient energy production technologies, improvement of the electricity metering system, diversification of fuel and energy resources with the development of the use of renewable energy sources.